Faculty of dentistry

Olena Zahradska

Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor


Specialty (221 Dentistry) aimed at preparing professionals capable of engaging in professional dental practice. After completing the program and successfully passing the exams, you will receive an internationally recognized diploma, practical-oriented knowledge, and hands-on experience. The curriculum is designed to focus on practical skills, so you will gain not only theoretical knowledge but also the opportunity to acquire practical experience through participation in clinical training, laboratory work, and practical sessions. Dental specialists play a crucial role in preserving and improving the oral health of patients. They perform treatments such as cavity restoration, tooth extraction, crown and bridge placement, prosthetics, gum disease treatment, and many other procedures. The knowledge and skills you acquire during your studies will enable you to become a competent dentist and carry out professional practice to ensure the health and well-being of your patients.

Career perspectives

Positions that can be held by graduates
of our educational program

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgDentist

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgSurgery

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgOrthodontics

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgPeriodontologist

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgTherapy

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgOrthopedics

International Diploma

Degree: Master

Daitime Learning (Full-time education)

Distance Learning (Part-time education)


Choose the specialty that you liked the most,
we are waiting for you!