Joint Event of the International Humanitarian University and Universidad de Monterrey, Mexico
On May 4th, the faculty members of the International Humanitarian University (Prof. S. Andriychenko, Assoc. Prof. D. Manko, Assoc. Prof. N. Baadzhi, PhD, Assoc. Prof. V. Hromovenko, Assoc. Prof. K. Nesterova) were invited by Prof. Alejandro Castillo Maldonado to deliver lectures for students from both universities. The lectures were dedicated to the topic “Global Business Issues and International New World Order: Perspectives from Ukraine.” The event also featured Alona Hlyvko (, who delivered a welcoming speech and shared her vision of the current situation in Ukraine. The presentations were accompanied by vivid visuals and sparked the interest of the participants, leading to lively discussions. We would like to express our gratitude to all the participants who joined the event!