University meeting with Professor Julius Ptaszek and guests from the Baltic countries: collaboration and open lectures at the International Humanitarian University.
Dear Friends and Colleagues! Today, our distinguished guests from the Baltic States visited our university on a working visit.
It is a great honor for us and our university, especially in our difficult, wartime time.
We are grateful to Professor Julius Ptashekas,
and his colleagues: Dominikas Shidlauskas, Zhlabite Skirmante, for the meeting with the Rector of the International Humanitarian University, Professor Kostyantyn Viktorovich Gromovenko, the Director of the International Education Center, Associate Professor Alborz Pakhlevanzade, the Head of the Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, Professor Oleg Oleksandrovich Tarabrin, and others specialists of the University.
Skirmante and Dominicas, colleagues of the professor, are also specialists in hemostasis.
Professor Julius Ptashekas works at the University of Riga named after Stradin, he is a professor of hemostasiology. And at Vilnius University from a member of the professorship commission.
They were also present at the meeting
Representatives of BioMedInvest:
Pavlo Peresunko and Edgar Lamazyan, who organized the professor’s visit to Odesa.
The purpose of the arrival of our guests was to get to know the university, its management, and communicate with employees. And of course, to continue the friendly and professional relations that have existed since ancient times between Professor Julius Ptashekas and Professor Oleg Tarabrin. professor Ptashekas has already spoken on the international medical educational platform MedVoice and at our international Schools and Symposia on Hemostasis.
Very soon, on March 6-7, 2023, we will hold another international conference on the problems of thrombosis and hemostasis in the conference hall of our university, and we have invited Professor Ptashekas to take part in it.
This working meeting is not over today, as tomorrow Professor Julius Ptashekas will give an open lecture in the Conference Hall of our university at 12 o’clock. Free entrance. Tomorrow, the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Riga and Vilnius Universities and the International Humanitarian University will be signed.