The International Humanitarian University expands the horizons of international discourse

At the fall of the leaves in 2023, representatives of the International Humanitarian University will be visiting the region of Spain due to the established close cooperation with recent European deposits you and yourself:
1. University of Barcelona (Spanish: Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona). – one of the most prestigious universities in Catalonia, Member of the Association of European Universities (EUA), Venice International University (VIU), Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities, Merez and the Institute named after Juan Luis Vives.
Following the instructions of the President of the International Humanitarian University, Academician S. V. Kivalov, we discussed the university’s development in science, education and technology, which conveys the exchange of information and scientific developments, participation in conferences and seminars, exchange of basic and scientific materials, comprehensive development and advancement Innovative projects, as well as organizing internships for scientists at the International Humanitarian University at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
2. The University of Valencia (Spanish: Universidad de Valencia). – the largest foundation in the city of Valencia (Spain). This university was founded in 1499 years. One of the few European cherries who are writing their own Constitution. Over its most recent history, the university has trained hundreds of thousands of students from various areas of classical university education. The University of Valencia has long been willing to accept foreign students. Find out about student exchanges and subscriptions with more than 300 universities around the world, including Ukraine. There are approximately 60,000 students at the university. The delegation of MSU is from the Vice-Rector for International Relations Carles Padilla Carmona.
We hope that students and graduates of the International Humanitarian University on work visits will soon be visiting partner universities in Valencia and Barcelona, and their Spanish colleagues are happy They are cherished until the miracle of Odessa!