Faculty of pharmacy and nursing

Oksana Nenova

Dean of the faculty of pharmacy and nursing, PhD, Associate Professor


The specialization (223 Nursing) corresponds to the first level of higher education, “Bachelor,” and is aimed at preparing professionals capable of engaging in professional medical activities as head (senior) nurses or physician assistants. Upon completion of the full program and successful completion of the state licensing exam KROK B (in the 4th year), you will receive an internationally recognized diploma and have the opportunity for employment in state or private medical institutions.

Nursing specialists are an integral part of the medical team and perform important functions in providing medical care, monitoring patients, and ensuring comfort and safety.

Key disciplines

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgHuman anatomy

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgBasics of pathophysiology and pathomorphology

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgTheory and practice of nursing

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgPublic health

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgBasics of prevention

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgNursing in therapy

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgNursing in surgery

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgNursing in pediatrics

International Diploma

Degree: Bachelor
Degree: Master

Daitime Learning (Full-time education)

Distance Learning (Part-time education)


Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy

The specialization (226 Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy) is aimed at preparing professionals capable of engaging in professional pharmaceutical activities. Upon completion of the program and successful completion of the steps, you will receive an internationally recognized diploma, practical-oriented knowledge, and experience in practical sessions. The curriculum of the specialization encompasses a wide range of knowledge and skills necessary for working in pharmaceutical enterprises, laboratories, and other areas of the pharmaceutical industry. You will gain practically oriented knowledge that will enable you to work effectively with medicinal preparations, manage pharmacy processes, and ensure the quality and safety of pharmaceutical products.

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgInorganic and organic chemistry

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgMicrobiology with the basics of immunology

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgPharmacy technology of medicines

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgManagement and marketing in pharmacy

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgClinical pharmacy

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgPharmacognosy

International Diploma

Degree: Bachelor
Degree: Master

Daitime Learning (Full-time education)

Distance Learning (Part-time education)


Choose the specialty you like the most, we are waiting for you!