Faculty of management, hotel and restaurant business and tourism

Oksana Dyshkantuik

Dean of the Faculty of Management, Hotel and Restaurant Business and Tourism,
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Hotel and restaurant business

The specialty (241 Hotel and restaurant management) offers a training program in the field of hotel and restaurant business that has numerous advantages, including an ideal balance between practical and theoretical knowledge. Students have the opportunity to not only study academic theory but also gain practical experience working with restaurants and hotels.

One of the benefits of the program is the chance to attend lectures by renowned restaurateurs, hoteliers, and industry professionals. This allows students to gain invaluable knowledge and advice from individuals who have already achieved success in the hotel and restaurant industry. These lectures expand students’ horizons and provide them with a unique perspective on developing their careers.

Career perspectives

Positions that can be held by graduates
of our educational program

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgRestaurateur

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgHotelier

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgManager of a hotel, restaurant, hotel-restaurant complex

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgRestaurant manager

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgBanquet manager

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgManager of food safety systems

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgHead of the hotel department

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgSpecialist analyst of the services market

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgExpert of a consulting company

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgHotel and restaurant business auditor

International Diploma

Degree: Bachelor
Degree: Master

Daitime Learning (Full-time education)

Distance Learning (Part-time education)



The specialty (242 Tourism) is an interesting and important field of tourism that explores the legal foundations and norms governing tourism relations between states, international organizations, and other subjects of international law. This specialty focuses on understanding and applying international rules that impact the development of the global tourism industry.

Students who choose the tourism specialty acquire a broad range of knowledge and skills. They study the fundamental principles and institutions of international tourism law, such as the protection of tourists’ rights, regulation of tourism services, the interaction of tourism with ecology and cultural heritage. Issues of tourism safety, international cooperation in tourism, international marketing, and promotion of tourist regions are also important parts of the curriculum.

Career perspectives

Positions that can be held by graduates
of our educational program

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgHead of a travel company

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgDigital tourism manager

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgManager of international tourism

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgArt tourism manager

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgTour guide

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgOrganizer of tourist and hotel activities

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgOrganizer of tourists’ leisure

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgTravel organizer

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgConference service specialist

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgGuide-interpreter

International Diploma

Degree: Bachelor
Degree: Master

Daitime Learning (Full-time education)

Distance Learning (Part-time education)



The specialty (073 Management) specializes in training professionals in management and administration who are capable of ensuring the effective functioning of enterprises in all sectors of the economy and enhancing their competitiveness at national and international levels.
The program provides students with broad professional knowledge and skills in the field of management, administration, and business, taking into account the best global practices.

Students study the fundamentals of economics, finance, marketing, project management, logistics, personnel, and other important aspects of modern business. Additionally, the program develops students’ communication, leadership, and teamwork skills, which are crucial for successful management and achieving professional goals in the modern business environment.

Career perspectives

Positions that can be held by graduates
of our educational program

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgManager/assistant manager of the enterprise

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgLogistics manager

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgManager of the analysis of foreign economic activity of the enterprise

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgManager of innovative activities, innovative projects, commercialization of intellectual property

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgManager of commercial activities and management

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgSpecialist in market analysis, economic advisor, etc

International Diploma

Degree: Bachelor
Degree: Master

Daitime Learning (Full-time education)

Distance Learning (Part-time education)


Finance, banking and insurance

The specialty (072 Finance, banking, and insurance) offers an ideal balance between practical and theoretical knowledge, allowing students to acquire in-depth and comprehensive preparation in these fields.
Students have the opportunity to attend lectures and interact with renowned experts in the field of finance, which enables them to gain valuable practical advice and learn the latest approaches and working methods.
To make the learning experience as interesting and practical as possible, the program includes organizing business excursions to leading financial and insurance institutions in the city. This allows students to familiarize themselves with real work processes and the functioning of financial institutions, as well as observe how the acquired knowledge is applied in practice.

Career perspectives

Positions that can be held by graduates
of our educational program

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgBank director

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgFinance manager

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgFinancial analyst

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgTrader

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgBroker

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgPrivate investor

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgDealer

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgInsurance agent

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgManager in the field of lending

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgInsurance manager

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgManager in the field of pension insurance

International Diploma

Degree: Bachelor
Degree: Master

Daitime Learning (Full-time education)

Distance Learning (Part-time education)


Food technologies

The specialty (181 Food technology) provides students with an ideal balance between practical and theoretical knowledge, allowing them to receive comprehensive training in the field of restaurant business.
Students have the opportunity to attend lectures and receive practical advice from renowned restaurateurs and industry professionals. This enables students to familiarize themselves with real challenges and trends in the industry, as well as learn best practices in restaurant management, guest service, and culinary techniques. Additionally, the program includes organizing business excursions to top restaurants in the city. This gives students the opportunity to observe how successful restaurants operate, how they organize their work, and ensure a high level of service. These excursions help students gain practical experience and ideas for their own development in this field.

Career perspectives

Positions that can be held by graduates
of our educational program

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgRestaurateur

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgDirector of a chain of restaurant establishments

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgRestaurant manager

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgDirector of a catering company

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgManager of the restaurant

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgProduction manager, technological engineer

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgRestaurant administrator

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgBrand chef, chef, sous chef, chef sommelier, chef bartender, cook, chocolatier, barista

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgSpecialist in the implementation of the food safety management system (HACSR)

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgSpecialist-designer of restaurant establishments

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgAn employee of the customs laboratory for product examination

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgExpert of a consulting company

International Diploma

Degree: Bachelor
Degree: Master

Daitime Learning (Full-time education)

Distance Learning (Part-time education)


Economics of business and innovation

The specialty (051 Business economics and innovation) is a new format of training professionals in the field of economics, which enables future specialists to acquire contemporary knowledge, develop relevant competencies, and quickly adapt to the external business environment.
Students gain knowledge of macroeconomics, microeconomics, finance, and other aspects of economics that are necessary for understanding the business environment. They study the principles of business management, including planning, financial analysis, marketing, and strategic management, as well as issues related to innovation in modern business. This specialty allows students to expand their knowledge and skills in the field of economics and business, which contributes to their further career development and success in the modern business world.

Career perspectives

Positions that can be held by graduates
of our educational program

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgSpecialist of economic services and departments of economic policy

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgAssistant to the manager of enterprises, institutions and organizations of various forms of ownership and organizational and legal forms of management

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgHead of economic, financial and administrative divisions of enterprises

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgBusiness analyst

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgSpecialist in economic issues on stock and commodity exchanges

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgEconomist-analyst on foreign economic activities of the enterprise

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgEconomist on pricing, economist on planning

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgEconomist in accounting and analysis of economic activity

International Diploma

Degree: Bachelor
Degree: Master

Daitime Learning (Full-time education)

Distance Learning (Part-time education)


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