Faculty of linguistics and translation

Anna Adamova

Acting Dean of the Faculty of Linguistics and Translation

Philology (035)

English language

English is the language of international communication. It is spoken by over a quarter of the world’s population. By mastering English, you can achieve your goals and explore new opportunities.

The Faculty of Linguistics and Translation will open up numerous possibilities for you: exciting travels, internships abroad, student exchange programs, and the chance to obtain prestigious and well-paid positions in major Ukrainian companies.

German language

German is the most widely spoken language in Europe, with over 25% of the population speaking it.

The instructors at the Faculty of Linguistics and Translation assist students in acquiring the necessary language proficiency according to their usage goals and skills. We prepare students for successful communication in various language situations, depending on their chosen level, up to the point of taking the Goethe Institute exam and obtaining its certificate. This certification grants the right to study in Germany (at level B2) or work in the country itself (at levels C1, C2).

French language

The French language is spoken by the population of more than 30 countries worldwide.

The Faculty of Linguistics and Translation has signed a cooperation agreement with the Federation of France-Ukraine Exchanges. Thanks to this program, over 30 students have completed internships in France. Every year, students are selected to undergo linguistic practice in restaurants, hotels, wine shops, and other enterprises with partial payment for their work.

Chinese language

Knowledge of the Chinese language opens up additional horizons and prospects for our students in their future careers, regardless of their chosen field. Currently, one in every five people on Earth speaks Chinese, and the popularity of the Chinese language continues to grow worldwide.

The Faculty of Linguistics and Translation has created all the necessary conditions for students to receive quality education and prestigious employment opportunities. This includes cooperation agreements with Chinese counterparts and the availability of paid internships for students.

International Diploma

Degree: Bachelor
Degree: Master

Daitime Learning (Full-time education)

Distance Learning (Part-time education)


Educational and pedagogical sciences

The speciality (011 Education, Pedagogical Sciences) provides students with the opportunity to master the methods of pedagogical research and develop the skills necessary for independent work in the pedagogical field. The programme of study covers a wide range of pedagogical theories, methods and approaches, which allows students to have a deep understanding of the fundamentals of education, pedagogical processes and the interaction of students and teachers.

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgEducation policy and expertise

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgLeadership and management of education

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgTeaching professional disciplines in a foreign language

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgAdvanced study of foreign languages

International Diploma

Degree: Bachelor
Degree: Master

Daitime Learning (Full-time education)

Distance Learning (Part-time education)



Specializing in Psychology (053), students have the opportunity to acquire methods of psychological and pedagogical research and develop the necessary skills for independent professional practice as psychologists. The curriculum covers a wide range of psychological theories, methods, and approaches, enabling students to gain a deep understanding of human behavior, psychological processes, and interpersonal interactions.

Students acquire in-depth knowledge in areas such as general psychology, developmental psychology, social psychology, clinical psychology, and other specialized fields. They study psychological research methods, diagnostics and assessment of psychological state, psychotherapeutic approaches, and methods of working with clients.

International Diploma

Degree: Bachelor
Degree: Master

Daitime Learning (Full-time education)

Distance Learning (Part-time education)


Primary education (foreign language education)

The speciality (013 Primary Education, Foreign Language Education) is an important field that provides students with the opportunity to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for a successful career in education. Students who choose this major have the opportunity to study in-depth the methods and approaches related to teaching foreign languages in primary schools.

The programme of study covers various aspects of foreign language education, including foreign language teaching methods, development of students’ communication skills, lesson organisation and assessment. Students also learn the basics of educational psychology, which helps them understand the psychological characteristics of children and interact effectively with them.

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgProfessionalism in the field of teaching methods

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgImpact on future society

International Diploma

Degree: Bachelor
Degree: Master

Daitime Learning (Full-time education)

Distance Learning (Part-time education)



Specializing in (061 Journalism), students have the opportunity to acquire methods of psychological and pedagogical research and develop the necessary skills for independent professional practice as psychologists. The curriculum covers a wide range of psychological theories, methods, and approaches, enabling students to gain a deep understanding of human behavior, psychological processes, and interpersonal interactions.

Students acquire in-depth knowledge in areas such as general psychology, developmental psychology, social psychology, clinical psychology, and other specialized fields. They study psychological research methods, diagnostics and assessment of psychological state, psychotherapeutic approaches, and methods of working with clients.

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgYou can influence people’s opinions with your materials

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgYou can help people solve their problems

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgYou can meet interesting people

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgYou will have to move a lot and even travel

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgYou can expose lies and investigate corruption cases

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgYou can become a famous person, the face of a TV channel

International Diploma

Degree: Bachelor
Degree: Master

Daitime Learning (Full-time education)

Distance Learning (Part-time education)


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