Faculty of Law and Economics

Yana Tytska

Dean of the Faculty of Law and Economics, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor


The specialty of Law (081 Law) is one of the oldest and most important fields of knowledge, which studies the system of rules and norms that regulate human behavior in society. The main goal of the Law specialty is to provide students with knowledge about legal systems, their structure, and functioning.

Students study various branches of law, such as constitutional law, criminal law, civil law, administrative law, and many others. They also acquire skills in analyzing legal documents, researching legal issues, preparing legal documents, and presenting legal arguments.

Legal professionals have opportunities to work in various fields. Many graduates choose a career in advocacy, where they represent the interests of their clients in court. Others may work in law enforcement agencies, conducting criminal investigations and ensuring law enforcement.


Career perspectives

Positions that can be held by graduates
of our educational program

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgLegal services consultant, expert evaluator.

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgEnsuring legal work in business organizations and associations of various forms of ownership.

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgAnalytical work and the execution of special tasks related to the application of knowledge in the field of national law

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgLegal dispute resolution expert

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgProfessional activities in state authorities: assistant to the chairman of the court, state executor, notary consultant, and so on

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgLegal Consultant

International Diploma

Degree: Bachelor
Degree: Master

Daitime Learning (Full-time education)

Distance Learning (Part-time education)


International law

Specialty (293 International Law) is an interesting and important field of legal science that explores the legal principles and norms regulating the relations between states, international organizations, and other subjects of international law. This specialty focuses on understanding and applying international rules that impact the global sphere of politics, economy, and society.

Students who choose the specialty of international law acquire a broad range of knowledge and skills. They study the fundamental principles and institutions of international law, such as sovereignty, territorial integrity, diplomatic relations, international treaties, and human rights. They also delve into topics of international security, humanitarian law, international economic law, and the settlement of international disputes.

Career perspectives

Positions that can be held by graduates
of our educational program

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgDiplomatic representative

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgInternational lawyer

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgAdviser in the ministries and departments of Ukraine

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgExpert in domestic and foreign companies and representative offices

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgAnalyst specialist in international organizations

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgTranslator in embassies

International Diploma

Degree: Bachelor
Degree: Master

Daitime Learning (Full-time education)

Distance Learning (Part-time education)


Law enforcement activity

Specialty (262 Law Enforcement) is aimed at the implementation of legal norms and ensuring law and order in various spheres of societal life.

During their education, students acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for effective work in law enforcement agencies. They study the fundamentals of legal sciences, criminal law, criminal procedure law, criminology, criminalistics, administrative law, and many other subjects that help them understand the essence of legal processes and professionally fulfill their duties.

Career perspectives

Positions that can be held by graduates
of our educational program

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgInspector, inquiry specialist, operational officer, legal advisor, etc

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgSpecialist in the protection of state secrets

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgSpecialist of the structural subdivision of the Office of the security service of Ukraine

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgInspector of customs or tax service

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgCriminal executive service specialist

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgDeputy head of the law enforcement agency

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgSpecialist in the organization of property and personal security

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgInspector of the paramilitary guard

International Diploma

Degree: Bachelor
Degree: Master

Daitime Learning (Full-time education)

Distance Learning (Part-time education)


Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity

Specialty (076 Entrepreneurship, Trade, and Stock Exchange) enables students to acquire knowledge and skills for a successful career in the field of business, trade, and financial markets.

The main goal of this specialty is to teach students the principles of entrepreneurship and business management, as well as the fundamentals of trade and stock exchange activities.
Students study various aspects of entrepreneurial activities, including business plan development, marketing strategies, financial management, and resource management. They also gain knowledge about trading processes, logistics, international business, and important aspects of stock exchange activities.
Graduates can expect a wide range of professional opportunities and well-paid positions in various business and finance sectors.

Career perspectives

Positions that can be held by graduates
of our educational program

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgSpecialist in the field of entrepreneurship, trade, and stock market activities

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgManager / Assistant Manager of trade, industrial, commercial, and IT enterprises

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgFounder of customs and logistics, investment consulting firms

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgExpert in leading Ukrainian and international advertising and marketing research agencies.

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgManager/assistant manager of a banking and financial and credit institution

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgEmployee of investment, trust, property and pension funds

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgBusiness analyst, analyst for the study of international commodity markets

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgManager of international investment projects

International Diploma

Degree: Bachelor
Degree: Master

Daitime Learning (Full-time education)

Distance Learning (Part-time education)


International economic relations

The specialization in (292 International Economic Relations) focuses on the analysis and understanding of international trade operations, financial flows, foreign economic policies, and other aspects that influence the economic activities of international entities.

Students receive a comprehensive education in economics, finance, international law, and other important fields. They will study the peculiarities of international trade, foreign investment policies, currency operations, and other aspects of international economic relations.

One of the key prospects of the International Economic Relations specialization is the increased demand for professionals who possess knowledge and understanding of global economic processes.

Career perspectives

Positions that can be held by graduates
of our educational program

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgAnalyst in international companies, stock broker

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgSpecialist in foreign economic activity in banking institutions

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgSpecialist in foreign economic activity at export-import enterprises (import manager, export manager)

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgSpecialist of departments of public authorities related to foreign economic activity and international relations

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgCustoms specialist of the SFS of Ukraine

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgExpert in international communications

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgSpecialist of diplomatic and consular missions

International Diploma

Degree: Bachelor
Degree: Master

Daitime Learning (Full-time education)

Distance Learning (Part-time education)


Economics of business and innovation

The specialization in (051 Business Economics and Innovation ) is a new format of training professionals in the field of economics, allowing future specialists to acquire modern knowledge, develop relevant competencies, and quickly adapt to the external business environment.

Students gain knowledge about macroeconomics, microeconomics, finance, and other aspects of economics that are necessary for understanding the business environment. They study the principles of business management, including planning, financial analysis, marketing, strategic management, as well as topics related to innovation in modern business. This specialization enables students to broaden their knowledge and skills in the field of economics and business, which contributes to their further career development and success in the modern business world.

Career perspectives

Positions that can be held by graduates
of our educational program

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgSpecialist of economic services and departments of economic policy

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgAssistant to the manager of enterprises, institutions and organizations of various forms of ownership and organizational and legal forms of management

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgHead of economic, financial and administrative divisions of enterprisesв

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgBusiness analyst

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgSpecialist in economic issues on stock and commodity exchanges

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgEconomist-analyst on foreign economic activities of the enterprise

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgEconomist on pricing, economist on planning

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgEconomist in accounting and analysis of economic activity

International Diploma

Degree: Bachelor
Degree: Master

Daitime Learning (Full-time education)

Distance Learning (Part-time education)



During their studies in the (075 Marketing specialization ), students acquire knowledge of the fundamentals of marketing, marketing analysis, advertising, sales, brand creation, digital marketing, and other aspects related to strategic decision-making in the market. After obtaining their education, graduates have the opportunity to work in various business sectors, including advertising agencies, marketing departments of companies, consulting agencies, and other marketing divisions. They can hold positions such as executive managers, marketing analysts, advertising specialists, brand managers, and many other professions related to marketing.

Career perspectives

Positions that can be held by graduates
of our educational program

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgMarketing manager

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgDigital marketer

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgSales manager

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgMarketing analyst

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgBrand manager

checkmark icon, check icon, done-2797531.jpgMarketing director

International Diploma

Degree: Bachelor
Degree: Master

Daitime Learning (Full-time education)

Distance Learning (Part-time education)



The speciality (112 Statistics) provides students with the basics of mathematical statistics, probability theory, methods of data collection and processing, analysis of statistical indicators and modelling. They also gain skills in working with modern statistical software tools that help them analyse data and draw conclusions effectively.
They learn how to apply analytical and critical skills to understand and interpret data. The speciality develops students’ communication, collaboration and presentation skills.

International Diploma

Degree: Bachelor
Degree: Master

Daitime Learning (Full-time education)

Distance Learning (Part-time education)


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